Rockfax Databases Moved

The Rockfax Route Databases were set up way back in 2002. They provided the backbone of the UKC Logbook system when it was established in 2005 and since then they have become less popular .

In April 2019 we ported the existing Rockfax comments to UKC Logbooks and enabled a new system for adding them direct to all routes, whether they were covered by Rockfax or not.

This makes the actual information on the Rockfax databases redundant now for public access and,  we have decided to stick to the golden rule of databases, always try and keep our data in one place!

So public access to the Rockfax databases is being closed down. All the information is still accessible through UKC Logbooks. The database will actually still exist since we require it to manage the specific Rockfax app data, but there is no need for public voting and comments since these are all now available on UKC Logbooks.


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