Winter Publications Schedule

France : Ariège

As is often the case, our publication plans have changed slightly as the projects come to fulfilment. The next book will now be France : Ariège and this is due towards the end of November. Chris Craggs, working closely with John and Anne Arran, has been beavering away for the best part of two years, the final book is now close to being finished and looks stunning. We still have a lot of checking and layout work to do but it should be a tidy 320-pager (small by recent standards but as big as Dorset 2005!) and it will be available for pre-order in November with the book sent out hopefully by the end of the month or early December.

(NOTE: We send out the book as soon as we receive stock and pre-ordering is the quickest way to get a copy, usually before we have even seen one in the office!
We appreciate people going out before this would love to have a copy of the book but unfortunately it isn’t possible to send out PDFs of the unprinted guide since we work on it right up to the last moment).

The next two Rockfax books are nearing completion

Costa Blanca

As soon as Ariège is finished then the new edition of the Costa Blanca book is next off the presses. This is another book by Chris Craggs, working with myself, and is close to completion but we still have some crags to check again plus a research trip in November to finalise everything.  At the moment I think it is unlikely that this book will be available until January 2013. It is going to be a whopper currently at over 450 pages!


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