After much deliberation we have decided to put our forthcoming North Wales Limestone guidebook on hold for the time being. The book was originally due to be published this summer and was to cover the Ormes of Llandudno and the sport crags on the A55 corridor. In November last year an alternative guidebook was announced by Pete Harrison which was going to cover roughly the same area. North Wales Limestone is never a very big area so it was decided that Rockfax would step aside and not compete directly with this new publication.
Jack Geldard (right) had already completed a lot of work on the new guidebook and we are currently deciding what to do with this material. An alternative publication covering a different or wider area may be in the pipeline for 2012.
This has now left the schedule for 2011 as Mallorca (including Deep Water Soloing) – due March; Peak Limestone and France : Languedoc-Roussillon will follow in the summer, then Dorset is to be the pre-Christmas publication.